
A free workshop about mending and personalising your clothes using hand embroidery techniques.



This FREE 2-hour workshop is brought to you in conjunction with Fashion Revolution Week. Fashion Revolution is a global organisation who's mission is to raise awareness of the ethical issues surrounding fast fashion and to drive this industry towards a more sustainable future. 


About This Workshop

In this workshop, led by Shirley Mclauchlan, we'll be showing you how you can extend the life of your clothes by mending, decorating, and personalising them. Learn how to hand embroider decorative patterns with 6 simple stitches, then personalise/mend an item of clothing that you've brought with you. 

During the workshop Shirley will also be leading a discussion on sustainability issues surrounding the fast fashion industry and the need for a fashion revolution. All threads, wools, and sample materials will be provided; but please bring an item of clothing that you would like to mend or personalise (preferably wool or cotton). 


Booking your place

Click here to visit the event booking page.


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